Blessing Bags for the Homeless

Blessing Bags for the Homeless


When you see a homeless person or family asking for money, what do you do?  Here’s an idea from Pinterest that is simple and a project for the whole family.  It is a great way to help others and teach our kids to help too.  After making these bags, keep them in your car and when you come upon someone who needs help, hand them a blessing bag.

Fill a one gallon size zip lock bag with food and/or personal hygiene items.  You can make them general or specific.  Your kids can make bags for babies, kids or pets.  Food items should not be perishable.  Use items like granola bars, tuna and cracker packs, water, juice, canned fruit, almond bags, fast food coupons, gum, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, soap, baby wipes, baby food, disposable diapers, dog food (for those with dogs), socks, feminine hygiene products, shave cream and razors, chap stick, lotions, Q-tips, Band-Aids, the list is endless.  Include if you like a note or quote or scripture for the recipient from you and/or your kids.  What a great way to give back!

Be sure to also check out my article, Give Your Presence not Your Presents.

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