Creative Gift Wrapping Tips and Ideas
Cool and Creative Gift Wrapping Tips and Ideas
I recently wrote a post entitled, Upcycled Gift Wrapping Ideas. As you can tell I’m a fan a gift wrapping. To me, it’s part of the present. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it shows that you took a little extra time to make their gift special. Since writing that post, I have had a few birthdays for friends, so today I thought I’d share some of my creative gift wrapping tips and ideas.
#1: Keep Washi tape handy.
I admit. I’ll grab it if it’s on sale, even if I don’t “need” it at the time. It’s a simple way to add a little oomph to regular wrapping paper or dress up a plain gift bag. I like to use two or three different colors and patterns and weave them to create a design. It’s a great technique to use for small gifts.
#2: If you don’t have a card, make your own gift tag.
How many times have you been at a party watching people open presents and there is no card or gift tag? This way, the honoree can send out proper thank you cards. It’s good etiquette! I made this one in seconds with a circle punch, some scrap paper and… you guessed it… Washi tape.
#3: Go all natural.
There’s something chic about mixing all natural ribbon like twine or jute with color. I also buy brown gift bags in bulk. I can embellish it easily, and it matches everything and goes with every holiday and special occasion.
#4 Go with a theme.
My friend told me her son loved Hot Wheels. So, when I wrapped his gifts (hot wheels of course), I made a little track with black cardstock. I used white duct tape for the street lines and used removable glue dots to adhere the little cars.
#5 Buy wrapping paper off season.
See the green wrapping paper in #4 and the pink wrapping paper in #1? I bought both of those after Christmas and Valentine’s Day. If there is plain or simple wrapping paper available after a holiday I snatch it up for literally pennies. That green wrapping paper works for birthdays, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas, father’s day, you name it! Catch my drift?
#6 Use toilet paper rolls keep your gift wrapping paper from unrolling.
I’m crediting my mother-in-law for this one! Easy!
#7 Embellish. Embellish. Embellish!
Here is a video of four paper crafts and creative gift wrapping ideas help you up your gift wrapping game and sure to impress! In this video you will learn how to make:
- Flowers out of circles
- Tassels out of paper strips
- Paper butterflies
- Your own custom gift card holder
Watch the Video
Now that you have the wrapping part down, how about some homemade gift ideas!