Creative Gift Wrapping Tips and Ideas

Cool and Creative Gift Wrapping Tips and Ideas

Creative Gift Wrapping Tips and Ideas

I recently wrote a post entitled, Upcycled Gift Wrapping Ideas. As you can tell I’m a fan a gift wrapping. To me, it’s part of the present. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it shows that you took a little extra time to make their gift special.  Since writing that post, I have had a few birthdays for friends, so today I thought I’d share some of my creative gift wrapping tips and ideas.

#1: Keep Washi tape handy.

I admit. I’ll grab it if it’s on sale, even if I don’t “need” it at the time. It’s a simple way to add a little oomph to regular wrapping paper or dress up a plain gift bag.  I like to use two or three different colors and patterns and weave them to create a design. It’s a great technique to use for small gifts.

Washi Tape Gift Wrapping DIY

#2: If you don’t have a card, make your own gift tag.

How many times have you been at a party watching people open presents and there is no card or gift tag? This way, the honoree can send out proper thank you cards. It’s good etiquette! I made this one in seconds with a circle punch, some scrap paper and… you guessed it… Washi tape.

Washi Tape Gift Tag DIY

#3: Go all natural.

There’s something chic about mixing all natural ribbon like twine or jute with color. I also buy brown gift bags in bulk. I can embellish it easily, and it matches everything and goes with every holiday and special occasion.

Washi Tape Gift Wrapping

#4 Go with a theme.

My friend told me her son loved Hot Wheels. So, when I wrapped his gifts (hot wheels of course), I made a little track with black cardstock. I used white duct tape for the street lines and used removable glue dots to adhere the little cars.

Race Car Gift Wrapping Idea

#5 Buy wrapping paper off season.

See the green wrapping paper in #4 and the pink wrapping paper in #1? I bought both of those after Christmas and Valentine’s Day. If there is plain or simple wrapping paper available after a holiday I snatch it up for literally pennies. That green wrapping paper works for birthdays, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas, father’s day, you name it! Catch my drift?

#6 Use toilet paper rolls keep your gift wrapping paper from unrolling.

I’m crediting my mother-in-law for this one! Easy!

Clever Repurposed Toilet Roll Idea


#7 Embellish. Embellish. Embellish!

Here is a video of four paper crafts and creative gift wrapping ideas help you up your gift wrapping game and sure to impress! In this video you will learn how to make:

  1. Flowers out of circles
  2. Tassels out of paper strips
  3. Paper butterflies
  4. Your own custom gift card holder


Gift Card Holder DIY with Paper Flowers

Watch the Video

Now that you have the wrapping part down, how about some homemade gift ideas!

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