How to Make Pineapple Guava Jam

How to Make Pineapple Guava Jam, by T Berokoff from Inheriting Our Planet


Pineapple guava is a beautiful evergreen shrub that produces delicious edible flowers and fruit!  It is the perfect plant for any yard because it doesn’t need much care.  It grows well in most any soil type, is a drought tolerant plant, can withstand temperatures to 10 degrees, grows well in full sun and partial shade, is wind resistant and works well as a wind barrier, and withstands heat well.  Best yet, I’ve never seen a garden pest that bothers it, and animals, like rabbits and deer don’t like to nibble on it.  If you want to attract hummingbirds, small birds, and butterflies to your yard, this shrub is the one to plant!

You can eat the flower petals raw, putting them in salads.  The flowers appear from May to June.  The fruit is delicious, a flavor mix between pineapple, apple and pear.  The fruit appears in the fall.  The fruit can be eaten as is from the shrub, added to smoothies or fruit salad, or  used to make jam.

I just made a batch of refrigerator/freezer jam from the fruit.  You can find numerous recipes for guava refrigerator jam and all will turn out wonderful.  You can add other fruit to the jam such as strawberries, or pineapple.  Here’s my recipe I’ve developed through trial and error.

Pineapple Guava Refrigerator/Freezer Jam

  • Wash fresh guava, cut in half, scoop out fruit with teaspoon. (I cover the scooped out fruit while I’m working to keep the fruit from turning brown after being exposed to the air.)
  • Cook fruit over medium heat, stirring often for 30-40 minutes, until fruit is soft and cooked through. I add either ½ tsp. cinnamon or two sticks of cinnamon during this step.

There’s no need to add water because the fruit will supply more than enough.

  • Remove cinnamon sticks (if using) and put cooked fruit in blender until smooth. If you want to remove the seeds, you may wish to put the cooked guava through some cheese cloth and a strainer.  The “seeds” are soft and tiny, and don’t bother me though.
  • Place mixture back into pan, add 3 tablespoons lime &/or lemon juice, 2 cups sugar and cook and additional 40-45 minutes. The mixture will thicken as it cooks.  Let cool a bit and then place in jars (for refrigerator) or plastic containers (to freeze).
  • Note:  Most recipes call for much more sugar.  For 4 cups of fruit, I use 2 cups of organic cane sugar or agave.  I find it very sweet and more would be too sweet for me.

The pineapple guava in this recipe are from our shrubs, ready to be rinsed, cut in half and scooped out. I’ve cut the guava in half, ready to scoop out the fleshy interior with a teaspoon. Some the scooped out fruit and empty shells.  (If the fruit is brown, it is over-ripe, don’t use it.) Getting ready to cook for 30-40 minutes until soft.  No need to add water, there’s enough liquid coming from the guava naturally.  (Notice – a stainless steel pot!) The finished product, ready for the refrigerator.  The recipe made 4 cups of jam. This amount of fresh guava, yielded 4 cups of fruit.  Once cooked, it yields about the same amount.

The pineapple guava plant just keeps on Giving Back to you.  It is easy to grow and maintain.  It gives you a beautiful shrub (growing 15 “ X  15’ if you’d like) that is green year around, petals and fruit that you can eat, and attracts birds, bees and butterflies.  Lastly, an interesting thing about this fruit: you don’t pick it.  It is ripe when it falls to the ground!  Or you can place something under the shrub, like a beach towel, and shake the shrub.  The ripe fruit will fall off.  The picked ripe fruit will keep stored in the refrigerator about a week.

Update on my Guava Jam!


Berry Guava Jam Recipe

I made pineapple guava jam again today, but this time added frozen organic raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries while it was cooking.  I added 12 oz. Organic Mixed Berry Blend, and 10 oz. Organic Red Raspberries to the original recipe.  I used the same recipe and cook times, just changed the amount of sugar to 2 1/2 cups instead of 2 cups.   The yield was 9 cups.  The jam is a beautiful color!  Next time I’m going to try mixing peaches with the guava!


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  1. Hey there was reading your recipe but i dont see anywhere of how many cups of guava this recipe calls for! Am I to understand it was 4 cups of fruit for this recipe? i have about half as much can i just half the remaining ingredients?

  2. Can I hot water bath process this jam? Is it okay to use even less sugar? My fridge & freezer are tiny. Propane. Off grid situation.

  3. Yes, guava jam can be made with a water bath canning method. The method can be found at canning. As far as sugar goes, I don’t know as this recipe calls for 2 cups and the recipes I’ve seen for using the water bath method also call for 2 cups of sugar. If you’re looking for a substitute, have you tried agave? Let me know how this comes out! Thanks for writing! T

  4. My question how not to burn the jam while cooking it. I thought it was on medium and still had a crust on the bottom.

    Next question:
    I put the warm jam in jars with canning lids and wonder when I put them in the freezer if i should leave the lids loose until the jam freezes or can I tighten them down right away. I’m worried the jars may break as the jam freezes?
    Thanks for answering these two questions

    1. Hi Brian! This is from T:

      Every range/oven is a bit different. It’s best to stir it constantly and adjust the flame to keep it consistently medium/low if you had a burn problem. I would never put anything in the freezer warm or hot! The jam and jarshave to be absolutely cool/cold. Then you can cover them and put in the freezer.
      I don’t freeze the jam in glass I use plastic.

  5. I only top and tailed 2 Kg guavas, cut into slices, boiled to soften for about 20, minutes, vitamised the lot, then added nearly as much raw sugar. Boiled once more for about 10 mins added 1/4 cup lemon juice and some pectin for another 1 minute and poured.
    Did I need pectin and how much sugar ? next time will try small amount.

  6. Thank you so much for the recipe.. my mom had a pineapple and strawberry guavas and made jam and jelly every year. Bless her heart she’s been gone now for 15 yrs. And this year was a golden opportunity for me I have p. Guavas in my yard now😊

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