Repurposed Chicken Feeder Ideas
With our chickens and pigeons on the property, I have learned to embrace the fact that their “artifacts” are going to be a part of my life. If you’re a backyard chicken owner you probably have one or two of these around. Dinah posted a picture of one of these on our Facebook page not too long ago, and I thought, “Hey, I have lots of those. What can I do with them?” Time to think about upcycling one!
Normally they are used to feed our chickens and pigeons. In fact, they work wonderfully because they keep the birds out of the feed which keeps the feed clean. As you may know from a previous article of mine, we have a raven feeder on the property. We feed the ravens to keep them nesting in our trees. They do an excellent job of keeping the hawks away from our pigeons and our small dog. I’m going to put one of these at the raven feeder right away!
It would also work well as a plant container in front of a window. In this picture above, I used silk because my window ledge is outside but doesn’t get much sun. Because the feeder is galvanized steel, you don’t have to worry about it rusting and growing real plants in it would work very well. In fact, it would be perfect for growing your own herbs!
You could also use it as part of your interior design as seen here as part of a room divider.
Here’s another practical use for your feeder – to hold cleaning supplies in the kitchen or utility room. You can spray paint it to match your room; the opportunities to decorate are endless.
If you’re the proud owner of one of these feeders, have fun upcycling one or two. If you would like one, they are readily available at feed stores.