Upcycled Vanity
I am finally back in my groove in doing projects after taking a month off. I’ve been working overtime trying to setup and maintain my blog that I needed a small break. I did not know how much I would miss doing projects until I finished my little monsters desk.
I found this little girls vanity by the dumpster about two months ago. We find a lot of goodies every time people are moving. I kept trying to figure out what to do with the vanity, a lot of ideas kept coming to mind but nothing seemed right. Until my little monster kept getting into my desk and my hubby’s desk every time we were not around. The best way to use the vanity was to make a cute little desk for my cutie.
The first thing I did was remove the mirror which I will use for something else later. Then I had the hubby cut the legs to were it would be comfortable to be used by my little monster.
I have the same vanity I got off of Freecycle. The drawer does not pull out but I also re-did it to match my daughters room: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151711728281189&set=pb.597826188.-2207520000.1371836465.&type=3&theater
It looks great, Michelle!