Earth Day Inspired DIY Crafts
On April 22nd, it doesn’t matter what age, race, religion or gender you are, millions of people from across the globe will come together to honor the earth on Earth Day. Teaching our children at a young age to respect Mother Nature is essential. As we all know, they learn better by seeing and doing, so have fun with Earth Day crafts and education.
Simply, it’s about cleaning up, saving water, turning off electronics, planting trees and gardens, rescuing animals, reducing pollution, avoiding littering, reducing, reusing and recycling. It’s about loving the world each and every day — not just Earth Day. Dig in the dirt with these fun (and educational, shhh…) crafts. It’s not like you won’t be making a trip to the local craft store anytime soon (nudge nudge).
Recycled Crayon Hanging Window Art
Each recycled crayon hanging window piece will be a complete original. No two can be the same — perfect for your quirky little one. This is a great gift for all of your friends and family this coming Earth day. Really get into it and make one for each family member to remind them to reduce their carbon footprint this year. Send the little packets through a Pitney Bowes meter to save the earth from postage and labels. Make everything this day about the Earth. Supplies you will need:
- Earth-colored crayons
(blue, green, brown and white)
- Paper towel
- Wax Paper
- Spring
- Scissors
- Iron
Lay wax paper as your work surface and draw a circle with a glass or stencil. Parents, use the scissors to make crayon shavings with the colors listed above. While the children are placing the colored shavings in the circle, you can explain to them about the blue water, green grass, brown land and white clouds. Cut a twelve-inch long piece of string, double over, place the open ends together and lay them onto the crayon shavings. The string will serve as a hanger once the crayon melts and cools as in the next steps. Carefully place a second piece of wax paper on top of the shavings. Next, layer a paper towel on the wax. On low setting, (you, mom) apply heat to melt shavings and cool. Trim your little earth into a circle (don’t cut the string). Carefully peel of each side of the wax and tada — earth-friendly window art.
Bright idea! Make a second smaller circle with just black, white and gray to represent the moon and hang side by side.
Eggshell Planters
Thank you Ms. Stewart for this idea. With spring in the air and sunshine aplenty, teach your little ones to be little gardeners by transforming egg shells into little pots to hold dirt, seeds, moss, succulents and flowers – or whatever is your unique design. Whether you want your own flowers or herbs to sprout from seedlings or prefer a matured plant, fill half an eggshell with dirt and plant seeds according to the packet instructions. Or place the succulents and moss in the dirt and arrange them pretty.
H. Zell photograph
Can you guess the recommended shell holder? That’s right, they’ll fit perfectly in the egg carton, which you can put right in the windowsill enabling your new little friends to get plenty of sun. Teach your kids about watering plants and watch their eyes brighten when they begin to see the planted seeds sprout into little flowers or delight in their pride of creating a happy little succulent garden.