Bone Appetit DIY Dog Bowl Mat
I was at TJ Maxx the other day and saw a dog bowl mat that said “bone appetite”. The first thing I thought was, “so cute”, and the second thing I thought was, “I can make that”! I went home, raided my craft closet, found everything I needed and made my very own Bone Appetit DIY dog bowl mat for our pug, Harley.
Time: 30 Minutes-One hour
- Burlap Placemat or Burlap Fabric
- Acrylic Craft Paint
- Spouncer Brush
- Letter Stencils
- Painter’s Tape
Watch the video tutorial:
Note: I got this burlap placemat in the dollar bin section at Target for $3.00. If you can’t find one, you can make your own with burlap fabric. I have a full tutorial on how to make burlap placemats. Regarding the stencils, I have had these stencils for YEARS I have used them for a TON of stenciling crafts. I got them at They are the 3” Industrial font.
First measure the placemat. The typical length is about 18 inches long. For this one, I measured to 9” and then started with the letter “n” in bone to the right of the 9” mark. This will help you center the words onto the placemat. Burlap is easy to stencil on because you don’t really need to wait for the paint to dry to start the next letter. I started in the middle and worked my way out for both words. When stenciling, use a spouncer brush. Be sure to dab of the excess paint off and then stencil in an up and down motion. With burlap, there is little to no bleeding. Just be sure to hold the stencil still.
Once the words are stenciled on, I used painter’s tape to add a boarder. I taped off the two sides first, stenciled, waited it to dry (just a few minutes) and removed the tape, and then taped and stenciled the other two sides. Lastly, I used a narrow foam brush to paint the accent sign over the “e” in appetit. Here are a few after photos.
That’s it! Cheap and easy!
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