DIY Rustic Pallet Flag

DIY Rustic Pallet Flag DIY Inspired

What do an old pallet, old saw blade and an old sanding disc have in common?  They all make a trash to treasure DIY rustic pallet flag!  A friend of ours “donated” the pallet and parts to us, as he had no use for them.  I’ve wanted to make a pallet flag for a long time. Here’s what everything looked like before I began work, well, maybe not, as I’ve already painted the blade in this picture.

Pallet to Porch Flag DIY

Pallet to Porch Flag

Because the pallet overall length was long, the last two rows of the pallet needed to be cut off.

Repurposed Pallet to DIY Porch Flag

Repurposed Pallet to Porch Flag

First the pallet needed to be painted.  I didn’t sand anything, just cleaned and painted. I taped off the top corner where the “stars” were going to go.  Blue painters tape works wonders!

Upcycled Pallet to Porch Flag

Next, I painted the old metal parts and used Gorilla Glue to hold them to the pallet.  When working with this glue be careful because it expands and oozes out from the edges.  When everything dried I had to scrap off the dried glue and touch up a few spots.  I used an old metal nut for the center of the “flag”;  just painted it white and glued it on.

Recycled Pallet to Porch Flag

I had some wooden stars I painted to add interest.

Stars for Upcycled Pallet

Love my porch pallet flag!  Here’s the finished product on our country porch.  I don’t have to worry about it in the coming winter months.  I like that everything came from our friend’s property and better yet, it cost nothing!

DIY Rustic Pallet Flag

Trash to Treasure Pallet to Porch Flag

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