7 Ways to Reuse Light Bulbs

7 Ways to Reuse Light Bulbs

So I decided that today is Reuse and Recycle Friday. If you’ve been following my blog then you are familiar with my obsession to creatively recycle, reuse, and repurpose.  I’ve done blog posts in the past about reusing old, crates, old books, boxes, jars, beer bottles, you name it.

Being the geek that I am, I inspected, rummaged, and explored my house to see what other household items could be recycled creatively.  In thought, I looked up, finger on the tip of my nose, and saw them staring right at me.  Light bulbs!  So here is what I found…because apparently there are several other people out there (well, at least six) that thought of the same thing.  Here we go, seven cool
and artistic ways to reuse light bulbs.

Design Squish, one of my favorite websites, showed how to make these cute oil lamps.

How great is this light bulb lamp and cube hanging lamp posted by fellow blogger at technabob.com? I love the industrial style of the hanging bulb light fixture.  It’s genius and doubles as a sculpture!

OK, this “fish bowl” is a really cute idea, but can a fish really survive in there?  Maybe a plastic fish is better.

Source: EnvironmentTeam.com

These hanging bud vases would be a super cute party or garden decoration.

Source: Care2.com

One of my favorites, this terrarium piece adds life to any room.  It’s pretty too and would look great on a bookshelf!

Source: TheHipsterHo.me

Last but not least, so creative and love; this is another great idea for a simple party centerpiece. Check out this cute light bulb bud vase.

Source: Unplggd.com

More Repurposing and Upcycling Ideas:



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