CD Tower Advent Calendar
I was so excited to make an advent calendar this year because my daughter is finally old enough. I searched online for some inspiration and saw some great advent calendar ideas but none that I really wanted to do. Then one day, I was getting my guest room ready for some visiting friends and saw a CD tower that I had from college. I currently use this piece of repurposed furniture to house guest room necessities like towels, toiletries, pens, paper, and such. The cubbies are so useful and would be perfect to hold little wrapped gifts for my advent calendar… and it’s RED! Here’s how I made my CD Tower Advent Calendar.
This project only costs me $20, including all the little trinkets and presents inside. I know that’s a little more than most advent calendars, but still budget friendly. I bought items in the dollar bins that had three or more items in a package and broke the package up to save money. Some things I bought were pens, erasers, candy, stickers, hair clips, plastic play jewelry, and the last one… the grand finale… a Dora Explorer jump rope that costs $1.50.
I bought red and green paper sacks and different types of ribbon to embellish the packages (of course using my coupons AND shopping on black Friday). I used circle craft punches
and printed numbers and letters on my computer. I thought the circles were perfect because they looked like ornaments. I punched a small hole on top and added ribbon
for each number ornament. I also alternated the colors. With my left over paper and ribbon, I made a “days til Christmas” banner to go down the middle on the CD Tower.
Here are some more pictures.
Hope you like it!
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Oh! By the way! Uncarved (it that a word?) pumpkins last forever! Geesh! So I had to turn my Hello Kitty pumpkin into a Christmas Hello Kitty!
Until tomorrow!
What a neat idea! So festive, I’m sure your daughter will be super excited to open up each package. (And you had enough CDs in college to fill a tower?!)
Ha ha! Thank you! YES! I actually had more than what fit in the tower! Now they are all sitting in boxes in the garage. My husband refuses to throw them away because he’s a CD hoarder 😉
Such a clever idea! Too fun.
Thank you, Jen!