Dancing Scarecrow Puppet Fall Craft for Kids
The printable found in this article, Dancing Scarecrow Puppet Fall Craft for Kids, was taken from Copycat Press which is currently out of print (original source noted here).
My oldest daughter is in first grade now and she had a recent assignment for making this fun dancing scarecrow puppet as a family activity. We had such a great time making it together that I wanted to pass on our ideas. This fall craft for kids is great for all ages and better yet, fun to do as a family.
Time: 1-2 Hours
Suggested Materials:
- Dancing Scarecrow Puppet Template
- Scissors
- Glue
- Yardstick or Wooden Stick
- Crayons, colored pencils, markers
- Scrap fabric
- Brads
- Paper grocery bag
- Buttons and craft embellishments
This special homework assignment is a creative art project for harvest time. We were instructed to come up with different ideas together to make a unique and special scarecrow. I cut out all the pieces after my daughter colored it.  You can print one here.
We raided the craft room and found some fabric scraps, felt, and craft flowers. We used fabric and felt for the patches. I let my daughter guide me as to what color and where she wanted them placed. We also Googled some scarecrows, printed them and cut them out. We glued one on the hat and on the arm. We also fringed some paper bag to use as straw for the bottom of his pants, jacket, ends of his sleeves, and hat. The brads we used were little flowers. Lastly, we glued it onto a wooden stick I found at Hobby Lobby for $2.99 (which I got 40% off as well because of my coupon app).
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