DIY String Art

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I recently attended the Elevate Blog Conference 2013.  One of the fun activities we did was a nail art and string art craft.  There were several patterns we could choose from and for some reason yours truly decided to pick the hardest one!  What was I thinking?  I know… I was thinking that I love antlers!  Needless to say, I ran out of time and had to finish this project at home so I decided to share it today.

I have to make as early disclaimer… IT DIDN’T TURN OUT!  My antlers look horrible, but I had to share it mainly because my friends Tara and Joni would get a kick out of the final product.  They both thought I was insane for choosing it in the first place.

Although it didn’t turn out, here is how I did it. Perhaps if you printed a simpler pattern, OR you can kick some nail art antler booty, this project’s for you!

Materials: Contains affiliate links for recommended materials.

First, place your pattern on the wood.  Secure it by hammering in a few nails along your line.  Here is a photo of the pattern and string I used.

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Continue hammering nails along your pattern.  Once you are finished, remove the paper.  Here’s is what mine looked like.  I know I know, not perfect.

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Next, tie your string to one of the nails and make a knot.

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Start weaving your string. I went around twice.

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Here is the after photo.  If you look quickly it’s not that bad.  If you look closely, the antlers look horrible!  Oh well! I think I may need to mark this one as a craft fail!

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  1. It looks ok! I get it though. It looked like a pant-load of nails when you were hammering them in. Now you know what to do next time. I’ve always wanted to try this.


  2. Ah man, all that hammering work! Sorry it didn’t work out. I did really like the craft & plan to do a couple more but it won’t involve antlers 🙂

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