Refurbishing Furniture: A Thrift Store Makeover


Refurbishing and Painting Furniture the Simple Way: A Thrift Store Makeover

I really enjoy going thrift store shopping and finding great trash to treasure projects.  There’s something thrilling to me about finding an old unwanted piece of furniture, seeing the beauty in it that someone else may have missed, and transforming it to something more beautiful.  So today, I wanted to share a thrift store makeover I did in a beautiful spring color. 

I have done my share in refurbishing.  I turned a freebie kid’s play activity table into a fun Hollywood Regency style play table that my daughter uses every single day.  I’ve purchased an old ugly bench from a garage sale for five dollars and turned it into a cushioned bench for the foot of a bed.  I saw the beauty in some garage sale night stands and updated with a more modern and updated look with new paint and hardware.

While you are at it, check out my trash to treasure guide for why you should buy furniture secondhand. It also includes a list of trash to treasure tips and project ideas.

This time, I found a pedestal table at the Salvation Army for sixty five dollars.  This was a little pricey for me considering the most I have spent for a piece of furniture to makeover was five dollars so I left.  That night I kept thinking about it and finally convinced myself that if it was still there the following day we were destined to be together.  It happened to be a weekend so I was worried but when I got there it was still there waiting for me!  I swept it up and got in line immediately to pay for it. Here is a photo of it… pretty, right?

Pedestal-table - furniture-makeover

I decided on painting it in a fun trendy color for spring after consulting my Facebook friends.  I chose high gloss enamel paint in coral so that it would be extra shiny.  I left the feet of the table in its original color to give it some interest. I’m extremely happy with it I must say!  


It has much more personality now.  Now I need a coffee table…

Thrift Store Table Makeover - DY Inspired

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  1. Hey! Look how much that big brother loves his little sister! I’m suprised I didn’t accidentally cut you with the lapels of my jacket!

  2. Hey I really am interested here…usually I’m just too much of a snob and like things to be “new”….maybe bc I’m OCD and germ freak, or again I’m just a snob. _BUT_, that being said, I REALLY love the artistic things you’ve done with used furniture…giving me some ideas…. cool!!

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