Annual Couples Olympics 2019 Games
Couples Olympics 2019 Rules and Events
This year is Couples Olympics 2019. It is our fifth year doing this, and I have to say our best year yet.
What is the Couples Olympics?
This occurs once a year among 5-6 couples. We get together and dress up in our team colors and compete in several fun events. It’s a potluck so we have a ton of food and drinks and we all have kids, so they all come along, get dressed up and cheer their parents on.
I take the time to send out Welcome Packets to each team and decorate. We have an official rule book and the Couples Olympics Committee. We give out swag bags and dress in ridiculous outfits. The winning couple receives a medal as well as the coveted Couples Olympics trophy. It is a blast and something we look forward to every year.
In case you missed them, here are some of my past Couples Olympic posts.
- Couples Olympics Games and Ideas
- Couples Olympics Party 2015
- Olympics Party DIY Tutorials
- Couples Olympics Theme Party for Adults
- Summer Couples Olympics Party
Watch the Video
Check out this super cheesy video of this year’s Couples Olympics 2019 shenanigans.
If you wanted to throw a party yourself, I thought I’d share the events and rules we used in case you want to copy it!
Olympic Teams:
- Red Team
- Green Team
- Black Team
- Purple Team
- Blue Team
Reigning Champions: Green Team
Couples Olympics Official Rules:
- Orders will be chosen by drawing.
- The winning team of each event will receive 4 pts., second place 3 pts., third place 2 pt., fourth place 1 pt., and 5th place will receive zero points.
- Scores will be recorded at each event to prevent mistakes. Teams should double check recordings during and after event.
- If an Olympian makes a mistake during an event, at least three teams must agree on a disqualification, in which the disqualified team will receive zero points for the event.
- Each Olympian must wear at least 2 pieces of the team gear provided at sign-in and throughout the Olympics. If at any time the team gear is not worn during the competition, the team will receive -1 pt. for each infraction.
- In the event of a tie for a single event, the teams will play against each other to play for the place holding.
- In the event of a tie for total points across all Couples Olympiad events, the name of a team member from each of the winning teams will be drawn from a hat to determine the players in a one round playoff. The event will also be pulled from a hat. The winners of that event will be crowned the fifth Couples Olympiad Winners and will retain bragging rights for approximately one calendar year and take home the coveted Couples Olympics Trophy. The winners will also receive a gift from the reigning winners, Green Team.
- The team that wins the 2019 Couples Olympics will be responsible for furnishing the prize and new event for the 2020 Couples Olympics.
Couples Olympics 2019 Events
Bean Bag Toss
- Two teams (one member from each team) will play against each other in 2 rounds of bean bag toss. The total points of each round will be added up to give the team a total score. The team with the highest score wins.
- Bean bags that go through the hole are with 3 pts. Bags on the board are worth 1 pt.
- Bean bags that hit the ground before hitting the board do not count.
- Two teams (one member from each team) will compete against each other in 2 rounds of washers. The total points of each round will be added up to give the team a total score. The team with the highest score wins.
- Washers that go into the hole are worth 3 pts., in the box are worth 1 pt.
- Washers that bounce on the ground before going into the box or hole do not count.
Football Toss
- Two teams (one member from each team) will compete against each other in 2 rounds of football toss. The total points of each round will be added up to give the team a total score. The team with the highest score wins.
- Footballs that land on the top row are worth 1 pt, 2 pts for the middle row and 3 pts for the bottom row.
- Footballs that bounce on the ground before hitting a row do not count.
Cup Stacking
- Each team (one member from each team) will have 16 cups. Build a 10 cup pyramid and two 3 cup pyramids and then take them down. When you end you must have all cups in one stack.
- All teams will compete against each other in a round robin competition.
Couples Cup Stacking
- Each team will have 16 cups. The couple will have to interlink their arms. One person will use their right hand, while the other person uses their left hand. Build a 10 cup pyramid and two 3 cup pyramids and then take them down. When you end you must have all cups in one stack.
- All teams will compete against each other in a round robin competition.
Event six was determined by the 2018 champions, Green Team. They chose to play Bottle Bash (Amazon Affiliate Link).
I hope you try it out and start this tradition with your friends and family!