Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping (5)

If you have been following along both of my blogs, this one and Inheriting Our Planet, you may have noticed all the posts I have been writing about my amazing trip to Villa del Palmar at The Islands of Loreto in Mexico! Of COURSE I had to bring home a few souvenirs from my trip. Thanks to my Mother In Law, she gave me the inside scoop that Mexico has THE BEST vanilla extract so I always know it’ll be a hit when I get home. I ended up using Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping to present my gifts to my friends and family.


It just so happens that a small bottle of vanilla extract fits perfectly in a toilet paper roll.  I KNEW I was hoarding toilet paper rolls for a reason!

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping (2)

I picked some colorful and bright paper that reminded me of Mexico,  cut it to size with my paper cutter, and secured it with double sided tape. FYI, toilet paper rolls are 4.5” long.

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping

Next, I simply rolled the bottle in some tissue paper and inserted it into the roll.

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping (1)

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping (3)

Next, I tied a ribbon on each end.

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping (4)

Now, the bottle was a little thin and slid around in the tube, so I put a little dab of hot glue into the tube to keep it from sliding around and it worked beautifully.

Toilet Paper Roll Gift Wrapping (6)

I can’t wait to give them away, especially to my Mother In Law!

Looking for more homemade hostess gift ideas? Try these!

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